Function selectMarker

  • Select a private or public marker. On large displays (two column layout), the marker will be shown on the Markers tab if a private marker or on the Info tab, if a public marker. For single column displays (phones, generally), the tab is displayed only if the "showIfMobile" option is true.


    • json: {
          markerId: string;
          move: boolean;
          showIfMobile: boolean;
      } = ...
      • markerId: string

        string: The id of the marker. This is either the text name, the internal id, or a regular expression. (See id, below)

      • move: boolean

        boolean: If true, position the marker at the center of the map (optional)

      • showIfMobile: boolean

        boolean: Show the marker on single column displays (generally phones)

    Returns void


    {   "markerId": "MARKER_NAME_OR_ID", 
    "move": true,
    "showIfMobile": false