Function brandingText

  • Add branding text to the top hearder bar, replacing the version number. Different text can be used for mobile vs desktop.


    • json: {
          color: string;
          fontsize: string;
          fontsizemobile: string;
          text: string;
          textmobile: string;
      } = ...
      • color: string

        color of the text as either a CSS color or hex #000000 format

      • fontsize: string

        font size along with px units when device width >= 1024px

      • fontsizemobile: string

        font size along with px units when device width < 1024px

      • text: string

        the text to show when the device width >= 1024px

      • textmobile: string

        the text to show when the device width < 1024px

    Returns void

    {"text": "Kayak Cordova", "fontsize": "20px", "color":"white", "textmobile": "Kayak Cordova", "fontsizemobile": "16px"}